Friday, June 22, 2012

My Talents are Limitless.

You think I just sit here and look cute all day?  Little do you know, I am honing my masterful piano skills.  Here is my newest composition, which my parents rudely talked through.  I bet they were jeans to the theater as well.

Mom thought she could pass off filming this sideways as "artistic".  We know she just filmed it wrong.

I'm also showing promise in using movement as my artistic medium.  First, something a little more cultured from my recent trip to Greekfest-

And now, something a little more common.

You may think I spend all my time teaching myself Swedish and solving differential equations, but even this baby needs a break.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Max Goes to the Zoo.

Today, we went to the zoo.  They think it was because it was Father's Day, but my true mission was to learn more about the animals, in hopes of recruiting them to join my ranks.
Hannibal of Carthage is my idol.
Ok, fine.  I just really love elephants.
Well hello there.

Yeah that's right.

What do tigers dream about, when they take a little tiger snooze?

Bears.  Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Give me the bears!

Oh look, a Fallout exhibit.

The fish make me sleepy.

Hey, wait!  Do you want to be a minion?  There are health benefits!

Dad's terrified of the lion. 

Man up, Dad.

This is my "Old Man and the Sea" look.

Penguins could be good for my sea assault...

Thanks for this.  You guys suck.

Ok fine, I'll admit it.  I freaking loved the zoo.  Score one for the parents.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

How would you like to die, Tyrion, son of Tywin?

I knew we shouldn't have let him watch Game of Thrones with us.  It's like Khaleesi eating a deer heart over here.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Next Step- World Domination.

Finally, they have given me something useful.  The first tools for my journey to become an evil mastermind.

Ah yes, Palladium.  The most delicious of all the elements.

If you need me, I'll be in my lair room.
