Sunday, April 29, 2012

The adventures in baby-led weaning continue.

So, the parentals in charge finally got something right.  Turns out, I can spoon-feed myself just fine. I OWNED that carrot ginger soup.

Don't worry guys, I got this.

It's not bad, but maybe next time try some nutmeg?  It's missing something.


You paid HOW MUCH for this high chair I am covering in soup?

Good luck cleaning that.
Alright, enough photos while I'm eating,  you're going to give me a complex.

Wait 'til you see what I'm going to do with pasta.


Mom's note- Punch me if I sound sanctimommy, but this is really the first baby "method" that has really been as amazing as promised.  Letting your baby feed themselves a loaded spoon you set on their tray is 57834957348 times easier than trying to shove a spoon in their mouth.  As long as you don't mind a mess, it's kind of the most fun meal time ever.  Max has so much fun playing with/eating carrot sticks, chunks of pepper, pieces of pita, etc.  Baby-led weaning FTW!  Purees can suck it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Five month outing.

Hi all!  I went to my first baseball game this weekend.  The home team lost, but since I am being groomed to be a Bills fan I guess that's something I need to be prepared for.

You talkin' to me?

Really?  You let them get a double play?  Get it together, Chiefs.

Caroline and I trying to catch a t-shirt.  The guy dressed up like a coolatta is throwing them poorly.

Causing a ruckus with Chris.

We are best buds.

Ugh, are we really going to debate foreign affairs again?

Thanks for the ride, Dad.

No, the rain stopped, I'm just drooling on your head now.

 Showing off my teeth.

I had an awesome time, and I only fell asleep once!  I consider that a success.
