Thursday, December 29, 2011

Photo shoot

Max and I had another photo shoot.  I didn't get very much good stuff, but at least he had his eyes open!  He always seems to be sleeping when the light is good for photos.  Little bugger.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So, this is Christmas.

Hey guys, Max here.  My first Christmas has come and gone, and even though my mother is the biggest grinch ever, I tried to keep an open mind about this whole holiday thing.

This present thing?  Pretty cool.

Baby's first scarf.  Very important.

Showing off my sweet wrestling moves.

Father/son Blue Steel.

It was really tiring being the recipient of so much awesomeness.

Speaking of awesomeness, this is my sweet dinosaur hat from Emily.

I got to meet my aunt and uncle. They liked my dinosaur hat too.

-I'm planning on having a major photo shoot to show off all my new loot this weekend, so stay tuned.  I got some pretty bad-ass presents from some awesome people, and I can't wait!

Verdict:  Maybe this holiday thing isn't so bad.  As long as there is no Christmas music involved.  Let's just say I would rather play with the contents of my diaper than be forced to listen to that drivel.

And here is my Christmas present to all of you; the most ridiculous photo of myself I could find-

Feliz Navidad!


Saturday, November 26, 2011


Well, we pulled off our first trip with Max.  We only over-packed a little, and came through relatively unscathed.  Luckily, Max loves the car and sleeps the whole time.

Max got to visit with some people-

-With Grandma, who absolutely LOVES having her picture taken.

-We managed to get five generations together.

-and we got to hang out with Jamie.

All in all, it was a pretty sweet trip.

And then today, we got to try out the sweet bear suit that Kelly got Max-
It was so cute we could bear-ly stand it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


OK, I have been promising a few people new pictures for a while now, but a combination of overcast days, high fever (me, not Max) and sheer laziness have kept me from it.  Finally, with the help of Bryan and some well-placed bounce cards I was able to get a decent amount of light.

I cannot wait to get to Vermont and get my hands on some studio lights :).

Max is wearing another awesome knit hat, this one made by Pam.  These knit hats are the only things that fit his giant dome.

ETA: His adorable outfit was given to him by Jamie. It's one of my favorites, and is getting a ton of wear.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oh, hey.

I'm Max.
What's up?

Here are a few pictures we took to hold us over until we get around to taking some good ones, but I wanted some non-cell phone pictures. A few more--

Yes, that is a Gryffindor hat, made by my cousin Melissa.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello all, from the future.

My name is Max, and I have yet to make my presence known (much to the dismay of my incubator).  This will be where my parents post an infinite amount of photos of myself, as to not clutter their friend's Facebook feeds.  It will also be where I chronicle my descent into nerd-dom, because with who will be raising me there is truly no hope of escaping.

Exhibit A- My future father purchased for me today a Star Wars commemorative lunchbox complete with sandwich cutters in the shapes of the Millennium Falcon and a TIE fighter.

My fate is sealed.
